From Inner Peace to World Peace

"I first decided to donate money to Pathways To Peace (PTP) because I saw a way to bridge the gap from inner peace to world peace -- PTP was teaching business people how to build peace and how to do business with a peaceful outcome, and this was a revelation to me. It was so "evolutionary" to apply inner knowing and beliefs to the world of everyday business.

I began to work more closely with the organization, and became aware that my Soul path was peacebuilding, in order to make a peaceful world which would ensure the futures of the children of the earth.

I continue to support PTP's work financially because I see great leverage being achieved by their consulting to and collaborating with organizations and individuals working on the many paths to peace. As an example, I have been greatly inspired by PTP's work with the United Religions Initiative, helping all faiths to unite in cooperative effort to build peace in all cultures, an extremely important antidote to religious and racial persecution. I have also been involved in PTP's coalition building among world citizens and others who desire to reinvent global governance and ensure the active participation of civil society in the United Nations.

The designation of "Peace Messenger" to PTP and various cities and organizations around the world has also been a source of inspiration and hope for me. Pathways To Peace, as Secretariat of the WE THE PEOPLES' INITIATIVE, works hard to connect these Messengers of Peace and to promote an expanded understanding of peace.

Peace has been too narrowly defined. Now I realize it underlies all change, all constructive human activities and endeavors, and is the expression of love for all living. As my understanding has widened, so has my passion for supporting the work of Pathways To Peace. I now regularly donate stocks, which helps my tax situation and also supports work whose goal matches my own aspiration for good for every living being on the planet.

May Peace Prevail on Earth, and in Your Hearts!

Joanie Misrack

Joanie Misrack can be contacted through Pathways to Peace.

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