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Francisco Foundation
(Fundacao Francisco)

The Francisco Foundation raises funds to provide institutional support to small and medium sized environmental groups in Brazil. Generally the groups Francisco supports have no other access to funding. The Foundation's small grants program provides resources for NGOs without the experience or institutional capacity to negotiate with large funders or to absorb large grants.

The Foundation believes, and knows from experience, that funding these grassroots groups is an excellent investment of philanthropic resources. Following recommendations from Brazilian environmental NGOs, Francisco's small grants go for basic expenses, such as rent, equipment, communications and salary for activists or administrative support. Funds also go for environmental education projects, research, seminars, legal assistance, video production, information dissemination and public policy monitoring. Our grants range from US$500 to US$20,000 per year distributed amongst 40 environmental NGOs in all parts of Brazil.

Fully tax-exempt with nonprofit status in Brazil, the Francisco Foundation can serve as an intermediary for donors who want to contribute to environmental groups and initiatives in Brazil but don't know the where to begin. The Francisco Foundation also meets the IRS requirements as a foreign equivalent of a U.S. public charity.

Address: SRTV/Sul - Ed. Palacio do Radio I, Bloco 1, sala 308 70340-000 Brasilia, D.F. BRASIL
Phone/Fax: +55-61-322-8757
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