Grantmakers Without Borders > NGOs > Public Foundations

Lambi Fund of Haiti

The Lambi Fund's mission is to support the popular, democratic movement in Haiti by strengthening initiatives to improve individual well-being, address community needs, and consolidate institutional structures to gain a greater political voice. Supported projects range from small agribusiness to women's cooperatives. To date, the Fund supports 56 projects in 8 of the 9 departments of Haiti. Well over $650,000 has been distributed directly benefitting over 15,000 people and indirectly benefitting more than 150,000 people.

In its short life, the Lambi Fund has been recognized within Haiti as one of the most effective and progressive organizations supporting local development efforts.

Address: P.O. Box 18955, Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 800-606-9657
Fax: N/A

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