Public Foundations in International Philanthropy

These public foundations raise money from individuals and organizations to support community organizations and popular movements working in Latin America, Africa and Asia. You can also find a public foundation by issue.

Abya Yala Fund for Indigenous Self-Development in South & Meso America
Abya Yala works to increase the control and self-reliance of Indigenous Peoples of South and Central America and Mexico through supporting the priorities, initiatives and processes of indigenous self-development.

Astraea National Lesbian Action Foundation
Astraea works to eliminate all forms of oppression and exploitation, to advance the economic, political, educational and cultural well-being of lesbians in the U.S. and internationally.

Cottonwood Foundation
The Cottonwood Foundation provides small grants to grassroots organizations worldwide that protect the environment, promote cultural diversity, empower people to meet their basic needs, and rely on volunteers.

EcoLogic Development Fund
EcoLogic Development Fund provides financial support to local organizations working in biologically diverse areas where poverty is extreme.

Eritrean Development Foundation
The Eritrean Development Foundation (EDF) supports economic, social and cultural development in Eritrea.

Freedom from Hunger
Freedom from Hunger gives poor rural women access to credit. It works with service providers and others to adopt integrated programs that address both poverty alleviation and public health.

Global Fund for Women
The Global Fund for Women is a grantmaking foundation that provides flexible, timely assistance to grassroots women's groups around the world.

Global Greengrants Fund
Global Greengrants operates a re-granting program aimed at building the capacity of the grassroots environmental movement in developing regions of the globe.

Grassroots International
Grassroots International works with over 30 community-based organizations in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean to bring about progressive social change.

The Hesperian Foundation
The Hesperian Foundation provides books and health manuals relied upon by poor communities throughout the world to recognize, treat and prevent most common health problems.

International Development Exchange (IDEX)
IDEX works with grassroots groups taking greater control over the resources, political structures and economic processes that affect their lives.

Katalysis works with community-based organizations to provide training and technical assistance in micro-enterprise development, community banking and institutional strengthening.

Lambi Fund of Haiti
The Lambi Fund strengthens local initiatives that improve community well-being and consolidate organizational structures to gain a greater political voice to the impoverished and disenfrancished.

NetAid is an internet collaboration dedicated to providing basic needs to the world's poorest citizens. NetAid partners inlcude Cisco Systems, Akamai Technologies, KPMG and the United Nations Development Program.

SEED provides credit to Haitian community development projects defined, owned and controlled by Haiti's organized poor.

Seva Foundation
The Seva Foundation, in partnership with communities and NGOs in India, Nepal, Tibet, Guatemala, Mexico and the US, develops lasting solutions to preventable health problems.

The SHARE Foundation
SHARE provides grants, technical assistance, advocacy and accompaniment to support bottom-up community development.

Urgent Action Fund for Women's Human Rights
The Urgent Action Fund makes grants to encourage structural changes that result in the equality of women's human rights and full participation in all levels of society.

The Virtual Foundation
The Virtual Foundation provides donors the opportunity to support one of over one hundred grassroots environmental, health, or sustainable development projects, and to monitor that project's progress online.

World Neighbors
World Neighbors works with Indigenous groups of Asia, Africa, and Latin America to develop local solutions to overcome hunger, disease, and poverty.

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