Mission and Values Statement
Grantmakers Without Borders is a philanthropic network dedicated to increasing funding for international social justice and environmental sustainability.
We believe that equity between the global North and global South is critical to furthering global well being. We recognize the current imbalance in this relationship and understand the dangers it poses to the environment and to humanity.
We believe that effective international philanthropy must have structures, processes and goals that are equitable, empowering, accountable, compassionate, inclusive, democratic, strategic, responsive, and collaborative.
We value and respect the wisdom and experience of local communities in all their diversity. We believe that local communities themselves know best how to determine their needs and propose solutions, and we consider the energy and ingenuity of local people as their greatest resource for social change.
We believe that an organization's structures and processes should reflect its values and principles
Who is Gw/oB
- Joining Gw/oB
Grantmakers Without Borders PO Box 181282 Boston,
MA 02118 Phone 617.794.2253
Copyright © 1998-2008. All rights reserved.
For more information contact us at GwoB@gwob.net
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