 About Membership in Grantmakers Without Borders
Benefits of joining Gw/oB
Grantmakers Without Borders' Mission
Grantmakers Without Borders is a philanthropic network dedicated to increasing funding for international social justice and environmental sustainability.
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Grantmakers Without Borders' Values
We believe that equity between the global North and global South is critical to furthering global well being. We recognize the current imbalance in this relationship and understand the dangers it poses to the environment and to humanity.
We believe that effective international philanthropy must have structures, processes and goals that are equitable, empowering, accountable, compassionate, inclusive, democratic, strategic, responsive, and collaborative.
We value and respect the wisdom and experience of local communities in all their diversity. We believe that local communities themselves know best how to determine their needs and propose solutions, and we consider the energy and ingenuity of local people as their greatest resource for social change.
We believe that an organization's structures and processes should reflect its values and principles.
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Member Code of Conduct
Grantmakers Without Borders is an organization dedicated to the dignity, self-worth and well-being of all humans. When convening members, Gw/oB is committed to creating a space that is respectful, safe, and mutually supportive. Members are expected to conduct themselves in keeping with these principles.
Some grantmakers wear many hats, within and outside their institutions, including that of "grantseeker". Because Gw/oB's programmatic focus is on grantmaking and not fund-raising, we ask that members focus their engagement within the network on grantmaking issues and practice. A strict "no solicitation" rule applies in all Gw/oB activities.
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Membership Eligibility
Membership in Grantmakers Without Borders is offered to the following institutions and individuals throughout the world:
- Private foundations, including family foundations, operating foundations that conduct grantmaking, and socially responsible corporate grantmakers
- Public foundations, i.e., publicly supported non-profits whose primary activity is grantmaking, such as community foundations and intermediary/re-granter organizations
- Such institutions should be devoting at least half of their annual program budget to grants; institutions spending less than half of their program budget in grants are not eligible for membership
- Such institutions' grantmaking should be aimed at multiple independent entities; institutions making grants to only a handful of grantees, to programs operated by the public charity itself or to subsidiary chapters or organizations are not eligible for membership
- Exceptions will be made, on a case-by-case basis, such as for start-up public foundations, for those based in the global South and Newly Independent States, and for those that are in the process of building their grantmaking capacities
- Faith-based giving programs that make grants for social justice and that do not proselytize or impose their religious views through their grantmaking
- Governmental grantmaking programs
- Philanthropic advocacy and support organizations, such as regional associations of grantmakers, donor networks, and philanthropic consultants
- Philanthropy academia and researchers
- Individual donors with a significant commitment to global giving, including those who have the potential to donate at least $10,000 annually to international work and those with donor-advised funds or other significant grantmaking vehicles
Become a Sustaining Circle Member
Membership dues have been set with a low barrier to entry in mind. Members are strongly encouraged to go beyond the regular dues payment to become Sustaining Circle Members. Such members provide financial support to Grantmakers Without Borders at a higher level than required, demonstrating their strong commitment to the organization, to its mission, and to its success. Please consider joining Grantmakers Without Borders as a Sustaining Circle Member.
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Grantmakers Without Borders PO Box 181282 Boston, MA 02118
Phone 617.794.2253
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