Events of Interest to Grantmakers
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Funders Meeting: Peace and Security Funders Group Global Gathering (Madrid, Spain)
Sponsored by PSFG
November 19-22, 2008
PSFG is teaming up with the Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior (FRIDE), a "European think tank for Global Action," to bring together U.S. and European funders in the field of peace and security. All PSFG Members and other interested funders are welcome. Make plans now to join US and European colleagues for stimulating sessions, speakers and fascinating field trips. Don't miss this opportunity to gain a broader understanding of European perspectives on the full range of peace and security issues and how to increase the combined impact of grantmakers. For more information, contact PSFG Director Katherine Magraw at kmagraw@peaceandsecurity.org
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Funders Workshop: Engage for Results (Washington, DC)
Sponsored by Grantmakers For Effective Organizations
June 12-13
Many grantmakers are committed to stronger engagement with their grantees, at least in theory. But what does it look like on a day-to-day basis? How do you go about it? Grantmakers for Effective Organizations, in partnership with the Interaction Institute for Social Change, is offering a two-day, skill-building intensive designed specifically for grantmakers to learn how to increase stakeholder involvement in their grantmaking strategies. Participants will explore the benefits and impact of inclusive grantmaking; the criteria for effective stakeholder engagement within philanthropy; and the appropriate balance between results, process and relationship. Participation is limited to 25 participants. For more information contact Jillaine Smith at jillaine@geofunders.org or (202) 898-1843.
Annual Meeting: Real Interdependence, Partnerships & Equity/Setting the Table for Farms, Food and People (Portland, Oregon)
Sponsored by Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Funders (SAFSF)
June 23 – 26
At the DoubleTree Hotel Portland-Lloyd Center, 1000 NE Multnomah
SAFSF is a national group that works to foster communication, shared learning and information exchange about issues connected to sustainable agriculture and food systems. SAFSF seeks to carry out its mission by providing opportunities for collaboration, increasing awareness of the issues as well as funding needs, and expanding beyond the current membership to increase support and funding for organizations that promote sustainable food production; link to concerns about sustainability of our food system; and/or connect food production with issues of environmental stewardship, diet and health, and viability of rural communities. More at
Conference: "Leadership for a Changing World: Scaling Up For Global Impact" (Washington, D.C. Area)
Sponsored by the Women's Funding Network
May 1st to 3rd
At the Hyatt Regency Hotel Crystal City at Reagan National Airport
More at www.wfnet.org
Women's funds are at the forefront of investing in solutions to some of the world's most pressing social issues, bringing in a new era of global change for women and their communities. This conference will showcase the most cutting-edge ideas, trends and insights on social investment in women and offer practical opportunities to develop skills, knowledge and connections in arenas from social networking to social investment.
Funders Reception and Workshops: International Funders for Indigenous Peoples (IFIP) Events at COF Meeting (National Harbor, Maryland)
Sponsored by IFIP
May 4 - 8, 2008
Funders are invited to attend the following IFIP events at the upcoming Council on Foundations conference and at the Amazon Donors Forum. Opportunities include IFIP's Annual Award's Reception on May 4th, featuring Wangari Maathai, recipient of the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize and founder of the Greenbelt Movement, Kenya. IFIP sponsored workshops during the conference include Climate Change: How Indigenous Peoples are Tackling the Most Challenging Issues of our Time, May 5th; Keys to Effective International Philanthropy on May 6th; and the Amazon Donors Forum on May 8th. More at http://www.internationalfunders.org/
Funders Briefing: Getting Serious About Climate Change/Advanced Practice Institute (National Harbor, Maryland)
Sponsored by The Hewlett and Packard Foundations
Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center
May 7, 2:00 -5:00pm
Esteemed leaders from the US, Mexico and Europe will highlight how foundations can ensure that their grantmaking has the impact on the scale that the global warming challenge requires. Guest speakers will provides briefs on the latest science; solutions to climate change with a focus on technology and policies for a clean energy future; and strategies for foundations with tangible funding opportunities ranging from the hometown to the global level.
Annual Meeting: The Consultative Group on Biological Diversity (CGBD) Climate and Energy Funders Group (Denver, Colorado)
Sponsored by CGBD
May 7 - 9
Brown Palace Hotel, Denver
The objectives of this gathering include understanding the local, state, federal, and international playing field for 2009 and anticipate what funders can do to take greatest advantage; examining how local, state, and federal policies can mutually reinforce, rather than undermine, each other; leveraging local and state action into federal policy, and identifying specific ways funders can facilitate this process; exploring how pro-coal, pro-mining, dirty energy arguments can be answered with green jobs and clean energy; and providing opportunities for funders to network and strategize. For more information contact Paige Brown at pbrown@cgbd.org
Exhibit: Unlearning Intolerance: Art Changing Attitudes Toward the Environment (New York)
Sponsored by the United Nations Department of Information and Education Outreach and Natural World Museum
May 9 – 31, 2008
United Nations Headquarters, Visitors Lobby
This exhibition is presented as a part of the global Art for the Environment Initiative, a partnership between the Natural World Museum and UNEP. The exhibition demonstrates that the fusion of art and environment is a powerful synergistic tool for positive social change. By utilizing the universal language of art as a catalyst to unite people in action and thought, the exhibit is intended to empower individuals, communities, and leaders to focus on environmental values across social, economic, and political realms. More at http://www.un.org/Pubs/chronicle/tolerance/exhibit.html
Grantmaker conference: "Innovation in Environmental Grantmaking" (Kingston, ON)
Sponsored by the Canadian Environmental Grantmakers Network (CEGN)
May 12th to 14th
More at www.cegn.org
CEGN's flagship annual event provides professional development for environmental grantmakers on current topics in the field as well as opportunities for networking with colleagues. This year's theme explores how grantmakers can best support and fund innovative thinking and approaches to tackle Canada's environmental issues and challenges.
Funders Briefing: "International Development in Times of Civil Unrest" (Seattle)
Sponsored by Pangea
May 19, 2008, 6:00 p.m. Reception, 7:00-8:30 p.m. Program
Grand Central Building, 216 1st Avenue South, Suite 400
RSVP at rsvp@pangea.org
How can we best support grant partners in times of conflict? What is our responsibility and role in making grants in countries that are experiencing civil unrest? How do we find new opportunities for valid development in contentious and disruptive situations? This interactive session will help Pangea members and friends develop criteria and protocols for working in the midst of conflict, using a well-developed "Do No Harm" model of engagement. Presenters include Daniel Moss with Grassroots International, an organization that has worked in conflict and emergency situations for two decades, and Peter Kithene, founder of Mama Maria clinic in southwestern Kenya and recent winner of the CNN Heroes award. Peter will have just returned from a month in Kenya and will provide a first-hand account of the impacts of recent post-election conflicts on rural communities.
Funder Teleconference: UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Sponsored by International Human Rights Funders Group, Disability Funders Network, Disability Rights Fund
May 20th at 10:00 a.m., Eastern Standard Time
What will this newest human rights treaty mean for funders, either in the US or internationally, and for human rights advocacy at the UN? What impact might it have or should it have on grantmaking? Whether you fund disability issues in the US, development, LBGT rights, children's rights, women's rights or "mainstream" human rights, the CRPD presents new opportunities for your grantees and your grantmaking. Join colleagues who will introduce the CRPD, discuss how the Treaty has changed or will change their work, and help you find the resources to learn more. To RSVP contact info@ihrfg.org
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