Grantmaking in China
Subscribe to "China Philanthropy News" today!
Gw/oB produces an e-newsletter focused just on China. "China Philanthropy News" (CPN) is aimed at grantmakers interested in philanthropic engagement in China. Grantmakers not working in China but wanting summary information on what's happening with civil society there will also find CPN a helpful resource. Columns include News, Resources, and Profiles of China Grantmakers. To subscribe to China Philanthropy News, email a request to gwob@gwob.net .
Current Issue: Issue 017, featuring an interview with Fu Tao, Editor-in Chief, China Development Brief (Chinese version)
Check out these prior issues of China Philanthropy News:
Issue 016, featuring an interview with Randy Yeh of New Path Foundation.
Issue 015, with general news and information
Issue 014, featuring an interview with Nick Young, founder of China Development Brief.
Issue 013, featuring an interview with Anthony Spires of the Center for Civil Society Studies, Hong Kong.
Issue 012, featuring a conversation with Dechen Tsering of the Global Fund for Women.
Issue 011, featuring a conversation with Felicia Pullam, Associate Director, Corporate Responsibility for APCO Worldwide
Issue 010, with general news and information
Issue 009, with general news and information
Issue 008, featuring an interview with Geri Kunstadter of the Albert Kunstadter Family Foundation
Issue 007, with general news and information
Issue 006, with general news and information
Issue 005, featuring a profile of the AIDS Relief Fund for China
Issue 004, featuring a profile of the Trace Foundation
Issue 003, featuring a profile of AIDS and Environmental Activists Hu Jia and Jinyan
Issue 002, featuring a profile of the Global Fund for Children
Issue 001, featuring a profile of the Zigen Fund
Helpful Resources on China
"An Elementary Guide to Visiting China" [link to a PDF file]
"China Copes With Globalization: A Mixed Review"
Periodical: "China Development Brief"
The Global Equity Initiative at Harvard University
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, China Program
Woodrow Wilson Center, China Environment Forum
The Asia Pacific Philanthropy Consortium
China NPO Network
Committee of 100
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